Sant Ram Singh Ji Maharaj, is a perfect Master of Surat Shabad Yoga and known as
Babaji to his disciples. He was initiated by his Master Baba Somnath Ji Maharaj.
Attaining perfection, He has been giving initiation into the Light and Sound Principles.
He conducts spiritual discourses throughout India every year.
On the order of Sant Satguru Baba Somnath Ji Maharaj and Sant Satguru Baba Ajaib
Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Baba Ram Singh Ji has been delivering satsangs and making
the sangat sit in their remembrance. And through the satsangs he continues to inspire
the sangat to awaken and re-focus on the benefits of devotion to the Master, surrender
to the Master and the greatness of Naam, and the real objective of the human birth
to return to the true home and abode of eternal peace by bringing into practice
the teachings of Sant Mat. Babaji, in all his teachings and satsangs give a lot
of importance on Bhajan, Simran and Seva. He regards these three practices as a
must to be successful on the path of Surat Shabad Yoga.